Need help finding your way around Indiana’s health insurance options? We can help! HealthNet has trained staff that can help you and your family understand your options and apply for a health insurance plan that works best for you. We offer this help for FREE.
When you are ready to apply for a health insurance plan, you can set up a time to meet with a trained HealthNet staff member by calling 317-957-2070.
General Insurance Questions
What are Navigators?
A Navigator is trained to help you explore your health insurance options through the Marketplace, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). They can also help you fill out forms. This service is free.
I can get insurance through my job. Can I see if I can get a better deal in the Marketplace?
You can look at plans in the Marketplace, but to get insurance there are certain guidelines you have to meet. If you can get insurance through your job, you might not qualify for premium tax credits.
How do I know what my deductible is for my employer’s insurance?
Call your insurance company to review the details of your plan.
How long can I stay on my parents’ insurance?
You can stay on your parents’ insurance until you are 26 years old, even if you are married or can get insurance through your job. The day you turn 26, you will be dropped from your parents’ insurance. You will get a special enrollment opportunity to sign up for Marketplace insurance (60 days before and 60 days after your 26th birthday).
Can I sign up to insurance at any time of the year?
This will depend on the program. State programs are open all year, so you can sign up at any time and as many times as you have a change. Other programs, like your employer’s health insurance plans and Marketplace are only open certain times of the year. If you miss these times, you will need to wait until you have a change that can cause a special enrollment period to open up.
What are some reasons a special enrollment period is open?
In general, the following can cause an SEP to open. Not all changes will apply to all insurances.
- Moving to a new state
- Getting married or divorced
- Having a baby, adopting a child, or placing a child for adoption
- Getting out of jail
- Gaining citizenship
- Adding or losing a dependent (a husband, wife, or minor children) who the insured person covers on their insurance
- Losing your health insurance because you turned 26 and can’t be on your parents’ plan
- Losing your insurance through your job
- Graduating and losing student health insurance
- Getting paid more money, so you cannot get Medicaid
- Expiring COBRA insurance
How do I pay for my insurance plan?
This will depend on the type of insurance plan you have. Some insurances require payment once a month. Others require more frequent payments, like weekly or biweekly. These payments can be paid by contacting the insurance company or set up as automatic withdrawals.
How can I get dental and vision insurance?
For employer insurance, check what type of benefits your employer offers. Marketplace also offers separate plans for dental coverage. If you qualify for Medicaid, you could choose to enroll into the plan that offers dental and vision coverage.
Can I get penalized for not having insurance?
No, the tax penalty ended in 2019.
The Marketplace is an online shopping site for health insurance plans. It lets you compare plans and find one that is right for you and your family. All Marketplace plans must follow federal laws to offer similar benefits.
Is Obamacare the same as Marketplace?
Yes; Obamacare is just a nickname for Marketplace. This is because the Marketplace was created while Obama was president.
Is the Marketplace a private insurance plan or is it a government program?
The Marketplace is private insurance that you pay for each month.
Who can buy insurance in the Marketplace?
U.S. citizens or those who are lawfully present in the United States that do not have health insurance.
What is a premium tax credit?
A premium tax credit is a way the government helps you pay for the health insurance you buy through the Marketplace.
I’m undocumented, can I still apply for the Marketplace?
Only U.S. Citizens and those who are lawfully present in the United States can apply for Marketplace.
What do I need to sign up for health insurance through the Marketplace?
- Social security number for every person signing up for health insurance
- Information about your employer/job
- Current income wages or tax return information (W2)
- Paperwork showing you are unemployed
- Email address (if you do not have an email address, we can help you get one for free)
When can I start looking at plans and prices in the Marketplace?
Marketplace is not available year-round. You can start looking during open enrollment (November 1 – January 15).
What health services do the plans offer in the Marketplace?
- primary care services
- emergency services
- hospitalization
- maternity (pregnancy) and newborn care
- mental health and substance use disorder services
- lab services
- preventive services
- chronic disease care
- pediatric services including dental and eye care
Please check the details of each plan for more information.
Medicaid and CHIP
Medicaid/HIP are state and federal funded programs that provide health coverage at a low cost. These programs offer insurance for adults and children, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. Each state comes up with their own rules for Medicaid programs.
How do I know if I can get Medicaid?
- Fill out the Medicaid form on the Marketplace website. Once you fill out the form, you can see if you or your family members can get Medicaid. OR
- Fill out the Medicaid form on the Indiana Medicaid website.
When can I enroll in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)?
You can sign up for Medicaid or CHIP at any time if you meet the guidelines.
Can I have more than one insurance if I have Medicaid?
Yes, Medicaid can work with some insurances but not all insurance. Medicaid does not work together with Marketplace.
I received a letter in the mail about my redetermination, do I need to do anything?
Yes, you will need to make sure all the information the Medicaid office has for you is correct. Review the paperwork sent. If there are changes, you will need to send proof of that to the FSSA office. For more assistance on how to send your information, contact an Enrollment Specialist at HealthNet.
I’ve been denied for Medicaid before, but I’ve had a change in income and/or household size. Can I reapply?
Yes, you can apply for Medicaid benefits at any time of the year. An Enrollment Specialist can review your information to see if you qualify.
I had Medicaid but they terminated me from the program. Is there anything I can do?
Yes, an Enrollment Specialist can meet with you to review your household size and income to see if you could still qualify for Medicaid or what other options are available to you.
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