Take Action Today to Protect HealthNet and 340B!
For over 30 years, the 340B program has been an essential source of support for Community Health Centers like HealthNet to ensure care for over 30 million patients.
Resources help support critical programs, such as medication assistance, interpretation services, health education, social work services, and so much more. Because of the program, millions of patients have benefited from comprehensive services and lower-cost medications at no additional cost to taxpayers.
Unfortunately, drug manufacturers have been able to refuse to ship 340B-priced drugs to local partner pharmacies that contract with health centers and other 340B organizations because the law is ambiguous and hasn’t been reformed in years. The 340B program’s long-term stability and health centers’ ability to care for patients is at risk as a result.
Reforming 340B through legislation is the only path that will stabilize the program for the next 30 years.
Please email or call your members of Congress today to ask them to support comprehensive solutions to protect 340B.
- Click here to find your members of Congress.
- Click here for contact information for your members of Congress representing Central Indiana.
- Click here for a sample message you can personalize.
THANK YOU for helping Congress understand how crucial the 340B program is to the viability of health centers!
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Last year, HealthNet served more than 61,000 individuals in the Indianapolis area.
With your help, we can do even more.