Medicaid offers free transportation services to and from medical visits. To schedule a ride through Medicaid, you will need: Your Medicaid number
Your address and phone number
Date and time of your provider visit
Name, address, and phone number of your HealthNet health center
If you are not sure what type of Medicaid you have, please call the phone number on your card.
Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP)
The HIP State Plans (Basic and Plus) have free transportation to and from medical visits. If you have a HIP Plan, but not a HIP State Plan, you do not have the free transportation option. If you are not sure if you have a HIP State Plan, please call the number on your card.
CICOA – 60 years or older
This program is for those at least 60 years of age who live and travel in Marion County. To apply for this service please visit or call 317-803-6153 for more information.
IndyGo Bus Routes
To find the IndyGo Bus Route closest to your HealthNet health center, please visit
Other Options
IndyGo Access
This program is for those with certain conditions that prevent them from using a city bus. To apply for this service, go to or call 317-614-9260
HealthNet Social Work
For other options, please contact the Social Worker at your health center by calling 317-957-2070 and select option 4. Our Patient Access Specialists will connect you to one of our Social Workers.
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