HealthNet is dedicated to ensure you get the care you need as safe and quickly as possible, especially during this time. That is why we added more options for your care, including new ways to consult with your healthcare provider by video. These means are commonly known as virtual or telehealth/telemedicine visits.  Telehealth is the provision of health-related services and information via electronic and telecommunication means, such as computers and mobile devices, to access and manage health care services remotely. In telehealth services, medical health information is used for diagnosis, consultation, treatment, therapy, follow-up, and education.

Informed consent for telehealth visits is necessary to help explain to patients what telehealth is, set forth the expected benefits and possible risks associated with telehealth, explain certain security measures and how patient confidentiality and privacy work with telehealth visits, as well as set forth your rights and responsibilities while receiving care.  If you plan to see our healthcare providers via a telehealth consultation or treatment, please download and read the General Consent form: General Consent and Virtual Care Consent – English

HealthNet se dedica a garantizar que usted reciba la atención que necesita de la manera más segura y rápida posible, sobre todo durante este tiempo. Es por eso que agregamos más opciones para su atención, incluidas nuevas formas de consultar con su proveedor de atención de salud por video. Estos medios se conocen comúnmente como visitas virtuales o de telesalud/telemedicina. La telesalud es la provisión de información y servicios relacionados con la salud por medios electrónicos y de telecomunicaciones, como computadoras y dispositivos móviles, para acceder y administrar servicios de atención de salud de forma remota. En los servicios de telesalud, la información médica sobre la salud se utiliza para diagnóstico, consulta, tratamiento, terapia, seguimiento y educación.

El consentimiento informado para las visitas de telesalud es necesario para ayudar a explicar a los pacientes qué es telesalud, establecer los beneficios esperados y los posibles riesgos asociados con las visitas de telesalud, explicar ciertas medidas de seguridad y cómo la confidencialidad y privacidad del paciente funcionan con las visitas de telesalud, así como sus derechos. y responsabilidades mientras recibe atención.  Si piensa ver a nuestros proveedores de atención de salud a través de una consulta o tratamiento de telesalud, descargue y lea el formulario de Consentimiento general aquí: General Consent and Telemedicine Consent – Spanish

HealthNet nih cun hibantuk zawtnak chia a tlun lio caan ah ngandamnak kong he pehtlai in zohkhenhnak na herh mi pawl kha a herh ning tein him tein le zokzok tein ngah colh kho ding in tuah piak kan i tim. Cucaah kan mah nih cun nangmah na ngandam zohkhenhnak caah thimawk dang pawl kha kan tuah chap, nangmah na ngandam zohkhenhnak apetu he phone in siloah video zoh in chawnhnak le zawtnak thlop ning tbt lam thar pawl hmang in thim awk pawl kan chap. Telehealth timi cu ngandam zohkhenhnak kong he apehtlai mi bawmhnak (services) le thawngpang pawl kha electronic thilri le telecommunication (a hlang hla in phone chawnhnak, video call i tuahnak, tv in zohnak) pawl kha computer le mobile phone pawl hmang in nangdam zohkhenhnak pawl asi khawh chung in peknak le tawlrelnak tuah piak khi asi. Telehealth service chung ahcun ngandamnak kong he apehtlai mi thawngpang pawl kha hmang in zawtnak cheknak, zawtnak kong he apehtlai mi biaruahnak tuahnak, thlopbulnak, dam ternak (therapy), chek thannak (follow-up) le ngandamnak kong he apehtlai mi chimhcawnnak pawl an i tel.

Telehealth hman ding caah hnatlakpi ding in theihternak cu mizaw pawl nih telehealth timi cu zeidah asi timi le, telehealth he pehtlai in hmailei ah zei thatnak pawl dah a ngah kho ding mi an si timi le zeibantuk thil thalo pawl dah a cang kho timi langhternak caah le, telehealth hmang in sibawi he i zohnak ah mizaw pawl he apethlaimi kha pumpak kong ah biathil in zeitindah chiahpiak le him tein tuah an si timi kong theihternak caah le, ngandam zohkhenhnak ngah lio ah zei pawl hi dah mizaw covo an si i zeipawl hi dah mizaw nih tuah ding an si timi pawl kha thatein le fiang tein an theih nak ding in bawmhnak caah a herh. Nangmah nih kan ngandam zohkhenhnak apetu pawl he telehealth hmang in biaruah siloah zawtnak i zohter/thlopnak pawl tuah ding in naa timh asiahcun, zangfah tein hika i a ummi Atlangpi Hnatlakpinak form (General Consent form) kha download tuah law rel: General Consent and Virtual Visit Consent_Hakha Chin